How to enable/disable AEM Workflow Launchers

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Assets ships with a number of default workflows and media handlers to operate on assets. Examples of these operations are generating thumbnail renditions, parsing Microsoft word documents, asset metadata extraction, etc…

During appropriate understanding, we may need to disable workflow launchers services; always remember to re-enable after disabling these services.

1. Disable AEM Workflow Launchers

a. Open the AEM system console component page:


b. Use Google Chrome, Firefox, or other browsers to quickly find text on a page. Control(or CMD on Mac) + F to find the fully qualified java name below. Click on the “stop” button to disable each workflow service.

This is an example of how the services will look when they are found:
You will be redirected to the services detail page when 
the stop button have been clicked on. Refresh the package, 
and you will be redirected back to the component services list page:

2. Disable AEM Workflow Launchers with cURL

Use the cUrl command to “disable” AEM workflow launchers:

curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/system/console/components/com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.launcher.WorkflowLauncherImpl' --data 'action=disable'

curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/system/console/components/com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.launcher.WorkflowLauncherListener' --data 'action=disable'

3. Enable AEM Workflow Launchers

a. Open the AEM system console component page:


b. Use Google Chrome, Firefox, or other browsers to quickly find text on a page. Control(or CMD on Mac) + F to find the fully qualified java name below. Click on the “start” (play) button to disable each workflow service.

This is an example of how the services will look when they are found:
You will be redirected to the services detail page when 
the start button have been clicked on. Refresh the package, 
and you will be redirected back to the component services list page:

4. Enable AEM Workflow Launchers with cURL

Use the cUrl command to “enable” AEM workflow launchers:

curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/system/console/components/com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.launcher.WorkflowLauncherImpl' --data 'action=enable'

curl -u admin:admin 'http://localhost:4502/system/console/components/com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.launcher.WorkflowLauncherListener' --data 'action=enable''action=enable'

Hello, I am an enthusiastic Adobe Community Advisor and a seasoned Lead AEM Developer. I am currently serving as an AEM Technical Lead at, bringing over a decade of extensive web engineering experience and more than eight years of practical AEM experience to the table. My goal is to give back to the AEM Full Stack Development community by sharing my wealth of knowledge with others. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

6 thoughts on “How to enable/disable AEM Workflow Launchers

  1. Is there a way to disable a specific workflow launcher (e.g. all the launchers of DAM Update Asset workflow) instead of the whole launcher service ?

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