Category: JavaScript

Execute JavaScript in the Author Environment for AEM Components AEM 6.5+

To execute JavaScript specifically for the AEM Author Environment, developers can add a condition to check for a Cookie stored in the browser, ‘cq-authoring-mode’; this works on AEM 6.5+. When the Cookie of ‘cq-authoring-mode’ exists, then execute JavaScript during authoring on the editor.html. Only in the Author Environment, the Cookie, ‘cq-authoring-mode’, will exist. Below is […]

Race Conditions with window.Granite?.I18n

We have created a JavaScript micro-frontend in VueJS to handle a new feature for our website. The JavaScript micro-frontend is set up nicely inside of a maven module. Along with it’s own Node Package Manager configuration, we used the aem-clientlib-generator to generate a client library under /apps/sourcedcode/clientlibs/micro-frontend. Within our VueJS application, we have a utility […]

What are AEM ExtraClientlibs?

When dealing with cq:ClientLibraryFolder (node type), you may have come across a property called extraClientlibs. What are extraClientlibs and how does it work? As you may recall, when you want to add custom functionality or styling to the Touch Dialogues (in edit author mode, editor.html), we must include as a dependency and as […]

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