AEM Multi-tenant Website: Restrict cq:tags for User Groups

Of most common multi-tenant websites, user groups are used to determine what AEM content authors can make changes to. The most popular requirement for a multi-tenant website is the ability to only edit tags for a specific brand. In this case, the way you can achieve this is by permissions. In this blog, we will ensure that all “WKND Members” will be able to create, read, update, and delete nodes under /content/cq:tags/wknd-shared, while these members will not be able to read any other tags listed under /content/cq:tags/*.

1. Steps to Restrict Tags for User Groups in AEM

2. Go to Tools > Security > Permissions

Navigate to the permissions section of the AEM author instance to start configuring the permissions for the user group.

3. Find Your User Group

Search for the user group that you want to configure. In this example, we will be using the “WKND Members” group.

4. Click on “Add ACE”

Add a new Access Control Entry (ACE) to define the permissions for the group.

5. Add Path /content/cq:tags

This will hide all the tags from the user group initially.

6. Privileges: Add jcr:read

Grant read privileges to the path /content/cq:tags.

7. Set Permission Type to Deny

This will ensure that the group does not have access to read the tags by default.

8. Add Restrictions rep:glob=/

This restriction will hide all top-level cq:tag resources. It effectively denies access to all tags under /content/cq:tags for the specified group.

Explanation: The rep:glob=/ restriction specifies that the denial applies to all child nodes of the specified path. This means the group will not be able to see any of the tags under /content/cq:tags.

/content/cq:tags, deny read

9. Press Add to Save

Confirm and add this ACE to enforce the denial of read access.

10. Allow Access to /content/cq:tags/wknd-shared

Now, we need to explicitly allow access to the specific tags we want the group to manage.

11. Click on “Add ACE”

Add another ACE to define the permissions for the specific tags.

12. Add Path /content/cq:tags/wknd-shared

Specify the path to the tags that should be visible and editable by the group.

13. Set Permission Type to Allow

Ensure that the permission type is set to allow, so the group can manage these tags.

/content/cq:tags/wknd-shared, allow create, read, update, delete


By following these steps, the “WKND Members” user group will be able to create, read, update, and delete nodes under /content/cq:tags/wknd-shared, while being restricted from accessing any other tags under /content/cq:tags/*.
Previously before adding permissions for the current user
WKND Member able to see only tags, and Create Read Update Delete cq:tags as expected for the brand

This approach ensures that content authors have the appropriate level of access for their specific brand without exposing unnecessary data or tags.

Managing permissions in a multi-tenant AEM environment is crucial for ensuring that content authors can only access and modify the resources relevant to their brand. By carefully setting up access control entries and restrictions, you can achieve a secure and efficient content authoring process.

Hello, I am an enthusiastic Adobe Community Advisor and a seasoned Lead AEM Developer. I am currently serving as an AEM Technical Lead at, bringing over a decade of extensive web engineering experience and more than eight years of practical AEM experience to the table. My goal is to give back to the AEM Full Stack Development community by sharing my wealth of knowledge with others. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

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